Transformational Leadership
Cultural Diversity
Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP)
Economic Empowerment
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The goal of the present study is to probe into the essential role of transformational leadership and diversity in culture for the successful implementation of business models aiming at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP).Inclusive businesses seek to alleviate poverty. This is done by integrating people from BOP backgrounds as consumers, suppliers, or distributors of companies producing goods; it cares for economic empowerment and social fairness. This research uses transformational leadership theory and cultural dimensions theory for its analysis. Leadership practices are measured, as well the impact of cultural sensitivity on ways in which people access goods and services, their level of employment or income. The results show that transformational leaderships significantly improve results: for example, transformational leadership's dimensions such as inclusiveness, innovation and transformation (enterprise). The study offers guidance to entrepreneurs and policymakers. It emphasizes the need for sustainable, scalable strategies in order to demonstrate that the economic and social impact of Inclusive business initiatives can be maximized to pay off.
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