Change in Educational System: Exigency and Prospective

Editorial Assistant

Md. Mahmud

Technical Support

Abdullah Munim



How to Cite

Farhat Naz Rahman. (2016). Change in Educational System: Exigency and Prospective. Journal Of Creative Writing (ISSN-2410-6259), 2(2).


Education is inseparable from life. The educational system, which a
people evolve, is one of the most important and the most
characteristic institutions of its corporate life. Education is not a
mater of stuffing the child with certain basic minimum knowledge;
the mere acquisition of knowledge cannot give that broad basis of
understanding which is essential for leading a successful life as
citizen of a free nation. Education in Islam has from the very
beginning been religious in character and ethical in aim. Today the
Islamic world is faced with several challenges and problems. One of
them being education, which is most vital for the well being of all
nations. There is a general unrest among the Muslim youth today.
Their minds are unhinged on account of the impact of western ideas,
scientific progress and political ideologies. The Muslims all over the
globe are faced with grave national problems and with economic,
social and political turmoil, which does not, needed to be pointed out
as we all are witnessing these changes every day. This means that the
representative educationists of the world must put their heads
together and evolve a plan by which modern education, side by side
with the spirituality of Islam might reform the Muslim brotherhood
afresh, and propel the energies, which are today acting in every
country and in almost every faith, to convert mankind into a single
brotherhood. Present era is the epoch of economic development and
progress through science and technologies, which unfortunately we
are lacking behind. The curricula should be formulated in the manner
that it gives the creative discipline in the mind of the student in order
to attain success through discoveries and inventions so that they can
compete the modern days challenges.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Journal Of Creative Writing (ISSN-2410-6259)


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