The purpose of this study is to discuss the Sureshwariyya Sufi Silsilah in Bangladesh, which is one of the prominent Sufi orders; preach and defined as mystical dimension of Islam, was started in Undivided Bengal in 19th Century. An order is usually a congregation of disciples formed around a Sufi master who wields authoritative expertise in the field of mystical experiences and maintains a direct chain of teachers back to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). This Sufi Tariqah was established by Syed Ahmad Ali Urfi Jan Sharif Shah Sureshwari (R.A.), who was a Bengali Islamic Scholar, a Sufi mystic, Poet, and Philosopher, popularly known as ‘Sureshwari and Janu baba.’ He brings all the stages, stations, and states that a Sufi undergoes, that are Shriyat, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Marifat within the fold of Islam as Din, which covers the entire field of human activity in its different domains inward and outward. He exerted significant influence, not only among his immediate circles of friends and disciples but also on succeeding generations, profoundly affecting the subsequent course of spiritual thought. Now a day is his fourth-generation Sufi Saint Al Hajj Syed Shah Sufi Belal Nuri Al Sureshwari (M.Z.A.) is the present viceroy and custodian of this Triqah-e-Sureshwariyya, who also known as ‘Shah Mujaddedi’ of this silsilah. The Significant of this Silsilah under Divine intuition Sufi Belal Nuri Al Sureshwari (M.Z.A.) suggests the way-farer various practices of training for the disciple of every aspect of Tasawwuf for inner self spiritual development and the adoption of the course of conduct which save them from the hellfire and destruction in the path of his spiritual journey.