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This paper investigates whether educational quality assurance models effectively address the quality of classroom management and school engagement. It examines practices within selected international and Bangladeshi universities, categorized by educational expense, to evaluate how quality assurance frameworks integrate indicators of classroom management and student engagement. Data were analyzed from online reports and university websites to assess the alignment of institutional policies with practical classroom strategies. The findings reveal gaps in integrating classroom-focused metrics into broader quality assurance activities, highlighting the need for frameworks that bridge institutional objectives with direct classroom practices. The originality of this study lies in its comparative analysis of diverse universities, shedding light on the role of financial capacities in shaping quality assurance initiatives. By emphasizing classroom dynamics and engagement as pivotal elements of educational excellence, this research contributes to the evolving discourse on quality assurance. The implications extend to policymakers and educators, suggesting actionable recommendations for developing comprehensive quality assurance systems that prioritize holistic student outcomes and foster innovation in classroom practices.
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