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The research paper explores the Online shopping safety as it becomes a part and parcel in individual’s daily life with the rapid development of e- commerce. From buying convenience to logistics support, from product quality to customers service, these factors shape the customer satisfaction and loyalty towards online shopping. This study aims to explore the online shopping safety during 2020-2024 and also analyze the research gap through the systematic literature review. The research finding also suggest the future research according to the study. In this study, a systematic literature review was employed involving the search for the key word “online shopping safety” “online purchase intention” “online shopping risk” and “e-commerce experience” within the titles, abstracts and keyword of publication in the database. PRISMA frame work was employed to collect and analyze data with the objective of research questions. At the first stage of identification there are 75 abstract documents present their relation to the online shopping safety. Furthermore, the researcher selected 51 journals after reading the abstracts at the screening stage. Moreover, ___ articles covering to the issue of online shopping safety and studied full text at eligibility stage. At the last stage the researcher included ___ articles for depth analysis using a systematic literature review. This systematic review contributes to the arena by offering in depth insight to the businessman and government stakeholder so that they can apply effective strategy for the online shopping safety and it will maximize the relationship between the ultimate consumer and businessman.
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