An infectious disease: pandemic of 21 st century, Covid-19 is posing risk and threat to people, countries and world. Nepal is affected through waves of Covid-19. This study aims to assess risk perception; threat felt by public and public’s effort to cope Covid-19. Online survey has been used for conducting this survey assessing demographic information, risk perception and threat along with public support regarding Covid-19. Likert scale from scale 1 which is very unlikely to scale 10 which is very likely is used for risk perception and threat analysis. Information has been taken from newspaper as secondary sources. Public support non pharmaceutical measure for epidemic control and there is lack of testing kits and data collection in Nepal. Public have knowledge of Covid-19 symptoms but are not familiar with strain of Covid-19. Public are aware of transmission of Covid-19 and familiar about prevention of Covid-19 but do not know about specific set of treatment of Covid-19. Moderate level of threat is felt by maximum respondents and high level of threat is posed to elderly and people with compromised immune system by Covid-19. Likeliness of risk is more for health care workers whereas people are more scared due to Covid-19 outbreak. People are self-conscious about Covid-19, PCR test should be increased in Nepal. Focus should be given to health workers as they are carrying high risk from Covid-19. Information about prevention, symptoms and transmission of Covid-19 needs to communicate through means of social media, mass media and visual arts.