Education is the backbone of a nation. It’s a fundamental human right.
Education is considered essential for human development and attaining human
rights, economic prosperity, social values, peace, and tranquility (Kira and
Bukagile, 2013; UNESCO, 2012). According to the Bangladesh education
policy of 2010, there are three levels of education structure. These are - 1.
Primary Level (class play – class 5), 2. Secondary Level (class 6 – class X), 3.
Higher Education Level (Graduation and Post-Graduation). Accounting is the
compulsory subject of business studies in class IX. This Subject relates to
Accounting transactions, Accounting cycles, and mathematical Accounting
problems. The curriculum and learning methods of Accounting aren’t similar
to our job sector. There are many differences between the education system of
Accounting and the job sector of Accounting. The curriculum and learning
methods of Accounting aren’t similar to the job sector. It’s an excellent
problem for the students. They don’t get a good job because of poor
knowledge of the job field of Accounting sector. I try to discuss and explain
the curriculum, learning, and teaching methods of Accounting and the problem
of the curriculum, learning, and teaching methods of Accounting.
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