In the context of Bangladesh, there is no substantial research going beyond level of belief of mathematics teachers of technology use in teaching learning process. While belief influences to motivation, perception, intention, awareness and acceptance therefore, is has been assumed in this study that there must be some determinants of acceptance among school teachers in Bangladesh. Calculators and other technological tools, such as computer algebra systems, interactive geometry software, applets, spreadsheets, and interactive presentation devices, are vital components of a high-quality mathematics education. With guidance from effective mathematics teachers, students at different levels can use these tools to support and extend mathematical reasoning and sense making, gain access to mathematical content and problem-solving contexts, and enhance computational fluency. In a well-articulated mathematics program, students can use these tools for computation, construction, and representation as they explore problems. The use of technology also contributes to mathematical reflection, problem identification, and decision making. Unfortunately, in Bangladesh bringing technology in mathematics teaching is less studied and overlooked. This has led this particular research to conduct this study.

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